17 posts ago I was telling the world that I couldn't have kids. And tonight I popped another round of clomid (which tastes nasty by the way.), and when I say popped I mean stuffed a handful of pills down my throat, and I can't wait for this all to be over. I am so tired of feeling crappy, getting up every morning at 6:30 to take my temperature (it helps you chart your exact date of ovulation - in my case non-ovulation), and having to take the dreaded pregnancy test at the end of every cycle - but because I am so in tuned with my body knowing what it is going to say.
Please don't think I have become a bitter person who is giving up - if this round works I'll be ecstatic! But I have found hope in something else - Foster Care.
Remember Joe and I went to camp? Well, we were in this giant auditorium with all these kids and this praise band singing, and I was just sitting there thinking about kids and how I would like to do foster care someday. The singer got done with the song and started to tell us how he grew up in the foster care system.......
I don't believe in signs. I do believe in direct missiles from God, and this is what this was for me. My heart stopped beating, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I told Joe that night I wanted to quit the drugs and be a foster mom. He said, well, why don't you pray about it.
And pray we have!
Last week we had a meeting with a lady at DCS, and in Aug we start our classes to become licensed foster parents. Then we go through a huge background check and they will start placing kids in our home sometime in the next 5-6 months. We still have a lot of decisions to make like what age groups we want and such but I feel like everything is falling into place.
Then God through one in just in case I wasn't convinced. Last nights newspaper, front page headline read "County in need of more foster homes." I guess there are only 4 foster homes in Dubois County, and 35 foster kids - which means a lot of kids get sent out of county and have to change schools and what not. It had this great story about a foster mom around here who has been doing it for 5 years and has had 40 kids go through her house! At one time she had 9!!!!!
Please don't think I've lost it - my house is not big enough for 9, but I really can't wait to get some little kiddos in here and hug them and show them that they are special, even for a day. And if a day turns into 360, or forever I will be happy with that too.
Do I think we are never going to have kids that have Joseph's curls? I have no idea. But I do know that we are right where we need to be.
Will I ever get over that wondering if I'm pregnant? Yes, when I hit menopause.
Will we still do this if this round of clomid works? Maybe not right away, but yes.
Will I get my family of 7? You bet.
Will we ever do fertility treatments again? I really don't know.
(This series of questions is a little homage to my doctor, who always talks in questions. Don't know why, but I still like him.)
I'm moving.
12 years ago
I'm in love this post, Mrs.Seger, and am certain you and Joe will make wonderful parents! (Not that I ever doubted it ... I didn't.) My favorite part? The fact that you can't wait to get some kiddos and hug them and *show them that they are special.* Amen.
Woohoo!! Thats awesome news Jenn! Foster parents are SO SO SO important. Im so happy!!!
I think this is my favorite entry of your blog yet. God is writing a beautiful story with your life.
Jen you are an amazing person and will be a wonderful mom to ALL the children that God brings into your life!
wow! this would be amazing.. there are so many little ones out there that dont know what its like to be held and loved... you would be a perfect fit for them :) Im very excited to see what each day brings!
Best post to date. "Direct missles from God" is brilliant! Keep us "posted"!
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